venerdì 6 novembre 2015

1993 (#6) - Victoria's homecoming and Nikki's accidental abortion

When Victoria's suspicions about Ryan's cheating with Nina turn into certainty, with Ryan himself confessing the truth to Victoria as he can't live with the weight of guilt, she realizes that it's really over between her and Ryan. Despite the man's justifications, who vents all his frustration at never being able to satisfy his sexual needs with his wife, Victoria decides to Victor's delight to end her cohabitation with her husband and return to live on the ranch with her father while waiting for the divorce to be finalized. As soon as she returns home, a very sad Victoria decides to lock herself in her room, not wanting to hear or talk to anyone, especially her father. In the meantime the father, downstairs, expresses to Nikki all his joy and satisfaction for the end of Victoria and Ryan's cohabitation; and when Nikki suggests to Victor not to interfere with his daughter's problems and to give her the chance to be alone to metabolize what happened, the man doesn't seem to listen to her and rushes upstairs to console her. In an attempt to prevent Victor from going upstairs, Nikki slips on the stairs and falls to the ground. Admitted to the hospital with severe abdominal pains, Dr. Laura Snyder is forced to inform two desperate Jack and Nikki that the baby in the woman's womb has died. Nikki is inconsolable for having lost Jack's baby for the second time, who between tears gives consent to the doctors to donate the organs of their prematurely deceased son. Seeing Jack holding in his arms in a heartbreaking moment the child whose life was saved thanks to the heart transplant donated from their fetus, Nikki is moved and, at the same time, despairing. Victor goes to Nikki's hospital to offer her comfort. Nikki neither blames nor accuses him for what has happened; however, she coldly informs him that she is more and more convinced that she has every intention of building a life with Jack, having realized that Victor will never be a part of her life again. Nikki, however, fearing yet another fight and diatribe between the two, reassures Victor that she will not tell Jack about her role in the accident that led to her abortion.

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