giovedì 5 novembre 2015

1993 (#5) - Danny's departure for Los Angeles and Michael's failed attack

A few weeks after Michael's departure, Danny ecstatically announces to Christine that he has been hired to act in the very popular musical "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat" written by Andrew Lloyd Webber. Because of this, he will have to leave for an extended period of about a few months to Los Angeles to join with the theater company. Although at the news Christine showed herself happy, in reality she is sad for the departure of her husband, whom she will not be able to see for a long time also because of his work in the law firm that does not allow her to join him in California. To this sadness is added Christine's visible concern for her safety, since she and Danny have discovered that Rebecca, the girl in the photos with Danny, is mysteriously dead, both are suspicious and afraid that it was Michael, who in the meantime seems to be untraceable, who killed her. Danny, before leaving and saying goodbye to Christine with a touching hug, asks Paul to watch over her during his absence and keep an eye on anything strange that suggests the presence of Michael in town. When he hears of Danny's departure, Michael, meanwhile, is quick to reappear, ever more determined to carry out his intention to take revenge on Christine. Michael, who has informed his wife that he has to leave for work for a few days, manages to secretly take the keys to Hilary's old apartment, which is adjacent to Christine's. The man decides to hide out in the apartment. Michael decides to hole up in his apartment for a few days, sleeping at night and waiting for Hilary to go to work in the daytime to finalize his plan to dig a hole in the wall and sneak into her apartment. When the job is done, Michael decides to wait for Christine's arrival from work by hiding in the closet; what he doesn't know, however, is that Paul is also with Christine, who has been sleeping in the girl's apartment since Danny left. When Paul hears noises, he suddenly becomes alert and attacks the mysterious man; the fight suddenly wakes Christine, who is shocked to see Paul and Michael fighting furiously. In the fight, Paul prevails, forced to fire a gunshot that wounds Michael in the shoulder. Taken to the hospital, and kept under observation by Dr. Frank Campbell, Michael is not in life-threatening danger and, according to the medical staff, will get off scot-free. Paul meanwhile assures a distraught Christine, still shocked by the incident, that Michael's action will not go unpunished.

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