martedì 3 novembre 2015

1993 (#3) - Marital problems between Ryan and Victoria and betrayals with Nina

Under pressure from Ryan, who is fed up with living away from his wife, Victoria resolves to confess the truth to her father Victor about her marriage. Upon hearing the news, Victor and Nikki are incredulous and shocked to learn that their daughter married Ryan. Victor, in particular, is absolutely furious with his daughter for doing such a thing and intimates that the two boys should dissolve their union immediately. However, when Ryan and Victoria say they love each other and have no intention of separating or hiding their feelings anymore, Victor decides to go to court to have their marriage annulled, Victoria being still a minor. Victor's young daughter, however, proves to have a strong character just like her father when she informs the man that she has no intention of leaving Ryan and that if she continues with her attempt in court she will be forced to flee. Victor then decides to withdraw his request, but does not give up on reaching his goal by offering Ryan a large sum of money, namely $500,000, to leave town for good. Every attempt to distance the two, however, seems futile and so, also on Nikki's suggestion, Victor decides not to hinder the marriage any longer, convinced that the two are not made for each other and that they will soon realize it. And, in fact, time proves Victor right. After the initial euphoria following their cohabitation, the problems and difficulties of married life soon begin to emerge. In particular, the tensions between the two arise once again from the fact that Victoria does not feel ready to have a full sexual relationship, which causes much frustration in Ryan. Noticing these problems is once again Nina who, still determined to get the man, leaves behind her relationship with Brandon, seduces him and makes love to him. Ryan's betrayals with Nina soon begin to become more and more frequent, and it is Victoria herself who realizes that her marriage, just begun, is already in crisis.

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