giovedì 29 ottobre 2015

1992 (#30) - Victoria's therapies and the unresolved conflict between Nina and Flo

The marriage between Victoria and Ryan, meanwhile, creates much more problems than the girl would have ever suspected. On the one hand there is Ryan who would like to finally consummate the marriage and make love to the girl, but he doesn't feel ready yet; on the other hand there is Victor, still in the dark about what happened between Victoria and Ryan, who presses more and more to prevent his daughter from meeting the boy. Feeling that she can't make her husband happy, and afraid that at any moment he might leave her to go back to Nina, Victoria confesses to Ryan that she doesn't want to keep him imprisoned in a marriage he doesn't want and informs him that, if he wants, he is free to go back to Nina. Ryan, however, proving once again to be in love with the girl, confirms his love for her and is willing to wait. Victoria, overjoyed, promises Ryan to start following a therapy with a sexologist, so that he can help to unblock himself. Victor, meanwhile, putting aside his plan to introduce Brandon to Victoria, is increasingly worried about his daughter, especially when he discovers that she is undergoing therapy with a sexologist. The news also alarms Nikki, who finds herself in agreement with Victor about the need to get Ryan out of Victoria's life as soon as possible. Nina, meanwhile, seems to have resigned herself to having lost Ryan. The woman, who has stopped seeing Brandon, is experiencing a moment of strong emotional instability that leads her to dig deep into her problems, and this inner search leads her to realize that, unlike Victoria, she has never had a strong father figure who is able to guide her; moreover, she has never known her real father. Determined to find out more about her past, Nina turns to Paul to investigate the identity of her father. The search, however, does not bring any results, since Flo herself admits that she does not know who Nina's father is, confessing that she got pregnant by one of her many clients. Between Nina and Flo, then, emerges a great conflict never faced and resolved concerning the mother's job as a prostitute; a job that has not allowed the girl to grow up in a normal family. Flo asks her daughter's forgiveness for all her shortcomings, and in the end the girl resigns herself to the idea that she will probably never know her father, clinging around the only thing she has left, her mother, and promising not to make Flo's mistakes. Nina, thus, promises herself that Chance will be luckier than her, wanting at all costs to give him the chance to grow up with a father in a normal and loving family.

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