mercoledì 9 dicembre 2015

1994 (#9) - The hiring at Newman Enterprises and Brad's heart attack

What Brad is living in this period is a very delicate moment of his life. Having become a father, but far from his daughter and his ex-wife Traci who has now remarried and lives in New York, Brad now lives with Lauren, with whom he lives very passionate and transgressive moments but who, in the end, he doesn't really love. In a nutshell, Brad still has to figure out what to do with his life, as he doesn't have any strong and lasting sentimental ties that would allow him to look to the future with optimism. Inside, in fact, Brad would like to finally find the right person with whom to form a family, and he almost feels envy towards Traci and Steve, who have realized their dreams. Brad's sudden arrival in New York City surprises Traci, who watches with affection and a touch of regret as Brad plays with their daughter Colleen. Back in Genoa City, more confused than ever, Brad finds Victor in his office, who understands Brad's psychological state and is ready to offer him a prestigious position as CEO of Newman Enterprises, since he is no longer able to manage all of his businesses on his own. Brad, after many refusals, finally accepts the job, convinced that seeing less of Lauren could perhaps change his mind about her and make him really fall in love. And in fact, between Brad and Lauren seems to ignite that feeling of affection and tenderness that serves as a prelude to their falling in love. Besides, the passion between the two is certainly not lacking, on the contrary. When one night, after spending hours and hours of sex with Lauren, Brad suddenly feels ill, Lauren immediately realizes that the man has had a heart attack. Immediately rushed to the hospital by Dr. Michael Hunt, Lauren is distraught about what has happened and prays with all her might to save the man's life. Little does she know, however, that an angry Traci is lashing out at her, accusing her of nearly killing her ex-husband. Lauren realizes that Traci still has deep feelings for the man, and this hurts Steve a lot. Steve, tired of feeling like Traci's escort man, decides to go back to New York alone. Lauren and Traci find themselves watching over the man they both love, waiting for Brad to heal and finally shed some light on his true feelings.

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