martedì 29 dicembre 2015

1994 (#31) - Paul's proposal to Christine and Phyllis' recriminations

When Paul surprises Christine by asking her to become his wife, the woman, obviously moved, accepts with tears in her eyes for joy. Mary herself, who has always been skeptical that Christine could be the right woman for her son, finally decides to accept Christine into the family, becoming for her a sort of second mother. In short, everything seems to be going well in view of a long-awaited and desired marriage. The only one who isn't at all happy about the news of the upcoming wedding seems to be Danny, who doesn't give up in his battle with Paul to win back Christine's heart. Paul, annoyed by Danny's continuous pressure, urges him to leave his fiancée and future wife alone; a fight almost ensues, interrupted only by the woman, who tries in vain to convince Danny to put his soul at rest. Things are complicated by the arrival in town of Phyllis and her son Daniel, who is determined to get Danny back and make her marriage work, at any cost. A not at all shy Phyllis then appears before Gina, Danny's sister, and Rex, the man's father, to tell her version of the facts and accuse Danny of having abandoned her with his son. Phyllis recriminates her husband and tries in every way to convince two surprised and astonished Gina and Rex, unaware of all the intense events experienced by Danny in New York, to change Danny's mind and make him change his steps. Danny, meanwhile, organizes a romantic dinner for Christine with the aim of bringing back to her mind their many memories together; but Christine, though moved, confirms her will to move on. Christine, then, urges Danny to get rid of Phyllis, considered a dangerous and mentally unstable woman, and to obtain custody of little Daniel, on which to rebuild his life. The dinner ends with a farewell kiss between Christine and Danny, which Paul narrowly misses. In any case, Danny resigns himself to having lost his ex-partner and wishes Paul a long life with Christine, while warning him to always treat her with the utmost respect, since otherwise he will have to deal with him. Phyllis, is overjoyed by Danny's decision to resign himself to Christine's marriage, but is well aware that she still has a lot to do to get her husband back.

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