sabato 12 dicembre 2015

1994 (#12) - Ryan's remorse for Victoria and Nina's pregnancy

With the distance created by their misunderstandings and the latter's decision to pose nude, Cole and Victoria the two begin to distance themselves more and more. In fact, Cole continues to dedicate long hours to the writing of his new novel, while Victoria turns her gaze back to Ryan. The latter, who has been living with Nina for some time now, seems to have almost regretted the decision, feeling as if imprisoned in a situation he didn't want, and with responsibilities, Chance first of all, that he never really accepted to take on. This explains Ryan's happiness in reestablishing an initial relationship, albeit one of friendship, with Victoria. The two of them spend a lot of time together, especially remembering their happiest moments; and all this under the sad and disappointed eyes of Nina, who on one hand doesn't have much time to dedicate to Ryan because of the completion of her studies, and on the other hand, has always known that she, for Ryan, was a second choice. Determined to leave Ryan free to make a decision about their future, and with him now almost convinced to stop living with Nina to try to win back Victoria, to upset the plans of all is, as always, the fate. Nina, in fact, learns to her great surprise and joy to be pregnant and, therefore, to expect a child by Ryan. The news completely upsets the boy's prospects and he decides to sever his relationship with Victoria, who reconciles with Cole, and to dedicate himself exclusively to Nina and the baby.

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