sabato 21 novembre 2015

1993 (#21) - The return to the city, Victor's revelation and the clash with Jack

When Victor hears on a radio news report that Jack Abbott has taken the helm of Jabot, as well as Newman Enterprises, the man realizes he must return to reclaim what is his. To do so, he decides to return to Genoa City and devise a plan to do so in the most surprising way possible. Victor, thus, manages to get in touch with his friend and faithful Douglas, who is bewildered and overjoyed to see Victor again; he begs him to keep his silence, at least until he comes back to the city, and he also asks him for information about what happened during this period. Douglas thus updates him on all the events that have taken place since his disappearance, and Victor cannot help but notice that everyone seems to have, in one way or another, moved on with their lives. After that, Victor becomes even more convinced of the need to return to Genoa City to take back what's his, and in doing so he asks Hope to follow him. The woman, by now hopelessly in love with Victor, accepts without a second thought, believing it to be the best thing for Cliff as well, who in this way will be able to forget her more easily and get on with his life. Back in town, Victor rents a tree room and in the meantime begins to send all his loved ones an anonymous invitation to a "meeting of great importance and significance" to be held in the Colonnade Hall, an important convention building. Here, Victor shows up and reveals himself to everyone, much to the dismay of all the guests. Katherine, Rex, Nikki and Victoria run to embrace him, overjoyed to see him in the flesh and thanking the Lord for answering their prayers. Less happy seem to be Jack, John and all the Abbotts, who fear now that they will lose everything and wonder how Victor will react and especially what he will do now that he is back in town. Victor's number one priority is, of course, to take Jack out of all his companies; and having naturally returned in possession of both the Newman Enterprise and Jabot, Victor removes Jack from every position, offering the vacant position to Brad, who is once again forced to refuse since Lauren would not release him from his contract for any reason. When Victor is forced to ask John and Ashley for help, offering them to return to the company, the clash between the Abbotts and Victor is inevitable. John and Ashley, in fact, both refuse Victor's offer, informing the man that as long as Jack is not welcome in his companies, they will refuse to enter, not being interested in any role. Jill herself, moreover, shows her support for John when she resigns due to her pregnancy. The Abbotts, then, are more united than ever in their fight with Victor, who, however, seems determined not to give up, confirming Neil and Blade as key men in the new company structure.

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