lunedì 16 novembre 2015

1993 (#16) - Relationship with Ashley and curiosity about Blade's past

After ending her marriage to Victor, Ashley began dating Brad, also free after his divorce with Traci. However, the relationship with Brad does not take off as hoped, and this is mainly because of the closeness between Brad and Lauren, always in close contact at Fenmore. The breakup between Ashley and Brad came when Brad rejected Jack's proposal to return to work at Jabot in favor of staying at Fenmore. This gesture led Ashley to believe that the man is planning to start a relationship with Lauren, despite the latter's marriage to Scott. Disappointed by Brad, Ashley thus decides to devote herself exclusively to work. It is here that she meets the handsome and charming Blade, a well-known photographer who has been working with the company for years in the marketing department and who, as mentioned, is now appointed by Jack as sales manager. Ashley, the purchasing manager, finds herself spending a lot of time with the man and soon, inevitably, begins to develop an interest in him. Ashley and Blade begin dating, although Ashley continues to find something mysterious about the man. Blade, feeling increasingly committed to the woman, calms her down and allays her concerns. Blade, in fact, assures Ashley that he is not hiding anything; he has simply changed his name, from Alex to Blade, in an attempt to escape an unhappy past and an evil brother. As time goes by, Blade becomes an important figure for Ashley, for whom he is always there, as when at Victor's disappearance she feels a part of herself is gone. And so, despite the ups and downs, they both realize that they have fallen in love with each other. When John and Jack have also shown their approval of the relationship, Blade decides to propose to Ashley. The woman, surprised and caught off guard, enthusiastically accepts the proposal, thus beginning to plan a future with the man.

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