domenica 15 novembre 2015

1993 (#15) - Danny's success on Broadway and the separation with Christine

This is a very difficult period for Christine; if in fact on the one hand her professional life, after the bad experience with Michael, seems to be finally taking off, on the other hand she sees all the dreams she had with Danny shattered. The couple, in fact, seem to be diverted towards significantly different paths in their respective professional lives; if, in fact, on the one hand, Christine is establishing herself in Genoa City as one of the best lawyers around, on the other hand, Danny is having great success in his theatrical tour with the musical "Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat". Christine's hopes of seeing Danny back in town soon after his time in Los Angeles, and perhaps focusing on finally having a baby, are abruptly dashed when an enthusiastic Danny informs her that he and the entire company have been booked for a full season of Broadway theater. Christine struggles to hide her bitterness and, after an initial moment of being overjoyed for her husband, eventually confesses that she had hoped for anything but that for their marriage. Danny understands his wife's frustrations and admits that the continued distance between them neither helps them to remain intimate nor to plan to create a family. Danny, however, feels he cannot pass up this unique opportunity, and invites Christine to move to New York with him, to live more closely in a city that offers thousands of opportunities. Christine, not at all enthusiastic about the idea of leaving Genoa City where she has a well-established profession to take a leap into the Big Apple, for Danny's sake agrees to the transfer. Christine's New York experience, however, turns out to be anything but happy. She is unable to integrate into the city and find a satisfying job; moreover, she suffers for having abandoned all her lifelong friends in Genoa City. Danny at this point realizes that he cannot ask such a great sacrifice of his wife; and as he is not willing to give up his career, neither does he find it right that Christine should do it. And so, after a discussion that has never been so sincere, the couple, with tears in their eyes, decides to separate, having to come to terms with their destinies that have taken different paths. Danny reassures the woman that he has no intention of divorcing her and Christine, at the same time, promises to visit him often, even if only to attend his shows. It is clear, however, that this separation marks a deep rift in their marriage that is unlikely to be healed.

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