sabato 5 dicembre 2015

1994 (#5) - April's community service sentence and leaving with Heather

When Paul and the police arrive at the house, following April's call warning him of the incident, the woman is handcuffed and taken to the police station. April, still shocked by the incident, defends herself through her tears, saying that she was the object of violence and that she reacted in self-defense. Paul assures April that nothing will happen to her, guaranteeing her all the support she needs. Christine herself, along with John Silva, offer to represent her in court. Throughout the trial, Christine and John dwell on the description of the violence April has suffered over the last few years, showing numerous pieces of evidence such as phone records and testimonies, even from her former colleagues in the rehabilitation program. In the end, Judge Francis Fallon finds April innocent by reason of self-defense, thus defeating Martin Kline's prosecutor's argument and pronouncing a suspended sentence with the obligation to perform one year of community service. April, incredibly relieved to have averted the danger of having custody of Heather taken away from her and kept away from her daughter, is embraced by everyone, happy to be able to put this bad adventure behind her. April thanks Christine, John, and especially Paul, who suddenly seems to have convinced himself to give Heather and April what they never had - a happy family. It is April this time, however, who rejects Paul's offer of reconciliation, urging him to get on with his life and live out his beautiful feelings for Christine to the fullest. April then confesses to Paul that she wants to leave Genoa City and that she has already informed the judiciary that she will be serving a year of community service in New York, having accepted the proposal of her sister, Barbara, to join her. April and Paul say goodbye in a touching farewell; finally, Paul says goodbye to his daughter Heather, aware of the fact that April has decided not to reveal Paul's identity as her real father; a decision that causes Paul great pain, but he is convinced that it is better this way.

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