giovedì 3 dicembre 2015

1994 (#3) - The outburst with Paul and the killing of Robert in self-defense

Concerned about April, who has not given any news or made herself known since her departure, Mary urges Paul to go to New York to check on the situation. When April seems to be very vague on the phone about Robert's behavior, Paul decides to leave in the company of Christine, happy to be able to reach her husband to surprise him. Here, Paul meets April, who confesses to him that things, for her, have not improved at all. Showing the man the signs of the beatings he has suffered, Paul decides to act immediately and make this situation end. Despite April's initial resistance, Paul eventually convinces the woman to return with him to Genoa City along with Heather. April's return to the city is a source of great joy for Mary, who does not hide her desire to see her and her son united again. April herself, who with the passing of time feels reborn and forms within herself the conviction that she must break off her marriage with Robert and get out of the nightmare of violence, begins to have a special feeling for Paul that revives old memories in her. The closeness between April and Paul becomes more and more evident, so much so that it almost makes Christine, who is starting to fall in love with Paul, get annoyed. In the end, however, it is Paul himself who makes things clear, informing her that, although he feels great affection and love for her and Heather, he feels spiritually committed to Christine, with whom he is increasingly involved. Dreams and thoughts about new prospects for April are also shattered when she is abruptly brought back to reality by the arrival of an enraged Robert in town. The man recriminates his wife and, upon reaching Paul's house, orders her to return with him to New York immediately. When April refuses, informing him that she has moved on with her life and wants a divorce, the man, in a fierce rage, begins to beat his wife, threatening his daughter Heather as well. It is precisely these words and these threats to his daughter that trigger in April the desire to rebel against her ogre. April starts railing against her husband and, trying to free herself from his grip, she grabs a paperweight and hits him in the back. Help led by Dr. Charles Elliott is useless: Robert, mortally wounded, dies immediately in a pool of blood in front of a petrified April.

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