domenica 20 dicembre 2015

1994 (#20) - Nikki's prejudices for Sharon and operation on paraplegic Doris

When Nicholas informs his parents that he is engaged to the most beautiful girl in the world, Victor and Nikki are excited about their son's first crush and show interest in getting to know the girl. Nikki and Victor's first impression of Sharon's acquaintance, however, is very discordant. While Victor finds the girl pleasant, considering her simple, humble and very mature, Nikki does not like Sharon at all, judging her to be smarter than she wants to show and fearing that the girl, of humble and poor origins, is more interested in the boy's substantial dowry. Noticing Nikki's perplexity, Nicholas consoles Sharon, swearing his love to her and assuring her that one day he will prove to her that she is the sweet girl who made him lose his head. When Nicholas then insists on meeting her family, the girl, not without resistance, admits that she never knew her father Malcolm Burns, now dead, who abandoned her and her mother as soon as she became pregnant with her. In addition, Sharon reveals to Nicholas that her mother, Doris Collins, is a paraplegic due to a car accident she had in the past when she went out looking for the same girl during a snowstorm. Feeling guilty about his mother's condition, Nicholas embraces the girl, realizing more and more what a special person she is; then, he introduces himself to Doris, who is very happy to meet the boy. Informed by the same son of Doris' condition, who would need an operation to cure her disability, Victor offers to pay for the operation, performed by Dr. Howard Bradford and Dr. Susan Randall. Nikki, indignant and not at all in agreement with Victor's decision, confirms her suspicions about Sharon, who, in her opinion, is only interested in Nicholas' financial and patrimonial affairs rather than his feelings. Nicholas, however, silences his mother and warmly thanks his father, before telling Sharon the good news. Sharon, in sincerely thanking Victor, asks him to keep his charitable action a secret, especially from Doris, promising then that she would return every penny.

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