martedì 1 dicembre 2015

1994 (#1) - The annulment of the marriage between Cole and Victoria

When the two happily in love Cole and Victoria return from their honeymoon, a thoughtful Victor is waiting for them, ready to reveal something shocking. Victor, furious with Victoria for marrying Cole without even telling him, and moreover repeating the same thing he did when he married Ryan, announces to the two youngsters the crude truth, that Cole is actually her son, implying that Cole and Victoria are brother and sister. Dismayed and incredulous at Victor's words, Cole and Victoria find themselves torn between being horrified at the incest they've committed and hurting for the true and sincere feelings that they are now unfortunately forced to repress or at least transform. This news obviously leads to a cancellation of the wedding between the two, who both say they need to reflect and be alone with themselves. Victor is bitter for having destroyed his daughter's dreams and tries to comfort her; however, she proves to be furious with her father for never informing her about Cole's true identity. However, this shocking news leads to a reconciliation between Victoria and her mother Nikki, whose hopes of resuming her relationship with Cole are dashed when the boy informs everyone that he wants to leave Genoa City. The day of goodbyes with Cole is also the first day, after the annulment of the marriage, in which the boy has the chance to see Victoria again, with whom he exchanges wishes for a serene future. The two boys, still evidently in love, evidently agree that it is better for everyone to continue their lives far from each other, taking different paths.

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